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Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery, involves the safe removal of extra fat, glandular tissue and skin, which results in breasts that are smaller, lighter and firmer. The aim is to achieve better-shaped breasts, that are more suitably proportionate to the rest of the body, resting on the desired position of the chest wall.

It is suitable for women with a large, pendulous breasts who may be experiencing various symptoms due to their breasts size. Symptoms include back and neck pain, notching of shoulders due to bra straps, skin irritation in the breast folds and difficulty in participating in gym activities. Large breasts can make a woman extremely self-conscious about her body.

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Choosing Your Surgeon for Breast Reduction Surgery:

When it comes to choosing your surgeon it vital that you select a surgeon based on their results, rather than on the cost of the surgery and the number of surgeries they perform. At My Cosmetic Clinic, our lead Surgeons use all of their experience and skills to focus on patient outcomes, rather than the quantity of surgeries that can be perform in one day. 

So, if safety, experience and an ethical approach to surgery is appealing to you, My Cosmetic Clinic is definitely worth considering.

A consultation with our surgeon will provide full insights into the options most suitable for your lifestyle that best suits your body type, as well as opportunity to discuss your goals.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Breast reduction surgery, also called reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size of your breasts, by excising some of your breast tissue and skin.

Disproportionately large breasts can make it difficult for many woman to exercise, play sports or find clothing that fits properly. With overly large breasts, you may also have deep indentations in your shoulders, caused by the bra straps, and you may suffer from strained back muscles and back pain, because your back compensates for the additional weight on the front of your body.

Large breasts can also cause skin infections and irritations under the fold of your breasts. They may also make you feel self-conscious and insecure, and the subject of unwanted attention. Reduction Mammoplasty can be very helpful in these situations.

After your breast reduction surgery you should notice the difference in breast volume immediately. Once the swelling has subsided, you will also begin to notice a difference in the compact appearance of your breasts.

If you intend to have children after breast reduction surgery, understand that the surgery will interfere with breastfeeding and may make it impossible. Your ability to breastfeed after mammoplasty depends on how much breast tissue is removed and whether the milk ducts (the small tubes that carry milk from the breast glands) to the nipples have been cut to achieve the desired results.

Some women have been able to successfully breastfeed after this surgery, but this is an issue you should seriously consider, before you decide to have breast reduction surgery.

To ensure that your goals can be achieved through this surgery, Dr Ansari will discuss your expectations of the surgery at your consultation, in terms of breast shape and size. He will also explain the steps in your surgery and answer any of your questions.

It is important to note that some health insurance policies may or may not cover this surgery, so always check with your health provider before arranging a consultation.

Breast reduction surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia, where you sleep throughout the surgical procedure at the accredited hospital. During this procedure, Dr Ansari will remove your excess breast tissue to create a breast that is the desired size and shape. The tissue removed is usually skin, breast fat tissue and glandular tissue.

The size of your areola (the dark area around the nipple) can also be adjusted during your surgery, if the areolae are too large. Sometimes, liposuction is used to remove extra fat at the outer part of your breasts, an area that may not be accessible directly during surgery.

The remaining breast tissue and skin are sutured to lift your breasts into their new location and finally, dressings are applied to keep your wounds covered. A breast reduction may take up to 3 to 4 hours to perform, depending on the technique used and the amount of work required to achieve the desired outcome.

At My Cosmetic Clinic, breast reduction surgery is usually performed in an accredited hospital and surgical facility in Sydney. This hospital serves patients seeking breast reduction surgery in Sydney, Sydney CBD, Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Eastern Suburbs, North Shore, Newcastle and Wollongong.

Pain associated with a breast reduction is usually bearable and will be controlled with oral pain medication. Prescribed antibiotics must also be taken post-operatively for several days to prevent infection.

During your post-operative consultations, Dr Ansari will determine when normal activities can be resumed, which is normally at 4 weeks, but strenuous activities and heavy lifting must be avoided for several weeks.

Swelling may increase over the first 3days and you should wear your compression bra 24 hours a day, for at least the first 3weeks. After this time, your compression bra should be worn at least 12 hours each day for another 3 to 6 weeks.

Breast reduction surgery will leave scars on your breasts, usually around the areola (pigmented skin around nipple), extending down to the breast fold. These scars usually fade away with time.

Risks and complications are associated with all the cosmetic surgeries. Common risks are excessive bleeding, infection, hematoma, and seroma. Permanent loss of sensitivity in the nipple area and breast skin is possible. If you smoke, your risks are increased, and your scars will heal slower and possibly wider than a non-smoker’s and tissue necrosis can happen. The visibility of final scarring can vary from person to person.

Yes, breast reduction surgery should be considered permanent, although the remaining fat cells will swell and enlarge if you gain weight. Likewise, in the event of a pregnancy, your breast tissues will swell or take on fluid and store milk. Hormone intake can also affect the size of your breasts.

Our surgeons are dedicated to helping patients achieve the results they desire. If you are interested in experiencing the benefits of breast reduction surgery for yourself, contact My Cosmetic Clinic. You can call us on (02) 5849 6875 during working hours. You can also book your appointment or you can send an enquiry through our contact form on this website.

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