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Platelet Rich Fibrin Treatment ‘PRF’ is a completely natural skin rejuvenating treatment that harnesses the power of your blood cells to boost and repair skin and stimulates collagen growth. Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) injections present an exciting option for clients seeking non-surgical cosmetic options!

What is PRF?

The Power of PRF: Unveiling a New Chapter in Cosmetic Care

PRF, or Platelet-rich Fibrin, is an advanced platelet concentrate treatment. It harnesses the potency of white blood cells, growth factors, and fibrin to rejuvenate your skin, stimulate hair growth, and expedite wound healing. As a natural concentrate from your blood, it works in harmony with your body’s mechanisms to produce remarkable results.

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How is PRF obtained?

There are several ways to apply PRF to your skin. Your clinician may use one or several application methods.

  • Injectable
  • Skin Needling Pen
  • Topical Application
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What's the science behind PRF?

The Science Behind PRF: How Does It Work?

Your blood is placed in the centrifuge without an anticoagulant in the tube – this allows the formation of a spongy, gel-like product rich in platelets, stem cells, growth factors and fibrin that can be injected into the skin to address signs of ageing, hair loss, or skin healing.

AND… PRF is completely natural. No chemicals and no preservatives!!!

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What steps are involved in PRF?

The Journey of PRF: From Blood to Beauty

Step 1:
First, we do a simple blood draw into test tubes. All our clinicians are trained nurses, so rest assured you are in safe hands.

Step 2:
We put the test tubes in our centrifuge machine; this separates your platelets and growth factors-rich plasma from the rest of the blood. This will take about 5 minutes.

Step 3:
The tubes are taken out of the centrifuge and the separated plasma with activated platelets and growth factors is extracted ready for your PRF clinical treatment.

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What is the difference between PRP and PRF?

The PRF vs PRP Distinction: Unravelling the Differences


PRF (Platelet-rich Fibrin) and PRP (Platelet-rich Plasma) have revolutionised the cosmetic industry, but PRF takes cosmetic care to the next level. The key difference lies in the extraction method, the composition of the resulting product, and the prolonged release of growth factors.

  • PRF is pure plasma and free of platelet-damaging anticoagulants present in PRP.
  • PRF has a higher concentration of platelets and growth factors than PRP.
  • PRF is purer, more effective and more potent than PRP
  • In other words, PRF is a second-generation PRP.

What areas can be treated with PRF?

Scalp; improve thinning hair and hair loss
Eyes; address volume loss and crepey skin
Acne; reduce acne scarring
Face; rejuvenate skin, reduce fine wrinkles and irregularities
Neck; address loose and crepey skin
Jaw line; rejuvenate jawline and sub malar
Hands; improve skin elasticity on the hands
Décolletage; rejuvenate and restore

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Why Should You Consider a Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) Treatment?

PRF benefits those seeking a holistic approach to skin and hair rejuvenation. PRF treatments stimulate collagen production and enhance skin firmness, texture, and elasticity. By aiding in collagen production, PRF can help improve the skin’s firmness and texture. 

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Who is the Ideal Candidate for a PRF Treatment?

The ideal candidate for PRF is anyone seeking natural rejuvenation without resorting to synthetic fillers or invasive procedures. It’s a perfect choice for individuals who wish to combat signs of aging, enhance skin texture, treat hair loss, or speed up wound healing. However, a detailed consultation with our expert team can help determine if PRF is the best option for you based on your unique needs and health history.

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How long do results last?

To achieve optimal results, we recommend a course of three treatments spaced six to eight weeks apart. Maintenance treatments are suggested every six to twelve months. Individual results can vary as the treatment uses your blood and growth factors for rejuvenation. However, most patients start to see visible improvements around six weeks after the initial treatment, with long-term effects like enhanced skin quality, elasticity, and tone becoming noticeable around three months post-treatment.


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Does PRF have any risks or side effects?

PRF treatments are generally well-tolerated. However, potential side effects for facial treatments may include swelling, bruising, soreness, redness, and tenderness. These are typically mild but can last up to 2 weeks. Post-scalp treatment, you can shower and wash your hair after a few hours, but we advise against using harsh chemicals or colouring products on your hair or scalp for at least 72 hours post-treatment.

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How much does a PRF cost in Australia?

The cost of PRF treatments can vary based on individual needs and treatment areas. Our pricing for PRF starts at $500

PRF EYES: X 1 Treatment – $500
 X 3 treatments – $1350
PRF MOUTH: X 1 Treatment – $500
 X 3 treatments – $1350
PRF FULL FACE: X 1 Treatment – $800
 X 3 treatments – $2200
PRF NECK: X 1 Treatment – $800
 X 3 treatments – $2200
PRF HANDS: X 1 Treatment – $800
 X 3 treatments – $2200
PRF SCALP: X 1 Treatment – $500
 X 3 treatments – $1350
 X 6 treatments- $2500
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Who may not be a suitable candidate?

While PRF treatments are safe for most healthy individuals, certain conditions may make it unsuitable. These include chronic liver disease, blood platelet disorders, active infections, cardiovascular or hemodynamic instability, and those undergoing anticoagulation therapy.

Why should I choose My Cosmetic Clinic?

At My Cosmetic Clinic, we pride ourselves on our commitment to innovative treatments, personalised care, and the highest safety standards. Our team of experienced Doctors and Nurses are trained in the latest cosmetic advancements, ensuring you get individualised care and the best results.

Choosing us for your PRF treatment means choosing a clinic that understands your unique beauty and health needs. We’re here to guide you, provide professional advice, and deliver exceptional care every step of the way.
Embark on your journey to natural rejuvenation with us today.


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